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Jesus Voted For You

Writer's picture: Dieuner JosephDieuner Joseph

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me, and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 4:20-21

My family and I got up early this morning to go vote. We were the first in line and completed the process quickly. This is a tradition in the Joseph household. We like to vote as a family, and we are intentional about letting our voices be heard during every election because we want to make sure we choose the people we want to represent us and honor the sacrifices of the many people of African descent who went to prison, marched, and even died for black people to have the right to vote.

While standing in line to vote the Holy Spirit touched me on the shoulder and reminded me that Jesus already voted for me. Indeed, Jesus hung on a rugged cross so I may have the right to eternal life. He became flesh, lived in a sinful world, was persecuted, and ultimately died so I may be called a child of God.

Jesus voted for us to be heavenly citizens. He paid the ultimate price so we can get all the heavenly benefits the Father has reserved for us. Jesus did not send an absentee ballot. He came in person so we would not be robbed of our heavenly inheritance.

In today’s text, Jesus is praying for believers before His death and resurrection. The Church of Jesus is surviving on the prayer of Jesus. This prayer is a vote of confidence in all disciples of Jesus. It is because of this prayer believers can do the work of ministry. We are more than conquerors because our Jesus prayed for us.

Jesus is not only our heavenly representative who is interceding for us, He is also our biggest cheerleader. He does not want anyone to perish. He empowers believers through His Holy Spirit to do the work of ministry. He is constantly lobbying the Father on our behalf. Our Lord stands with every believer and gives us the power to resist the attacks of our spiritual enemy and the authority to walk in victory as we do His kingdom work.

The Joseph family intentionally research every candidate before deciding to vote. We want to make sure the candidates represent our interests and are aligned with our socio-political ethos. But Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. He did not wait for us to be qualified so He can offer us eternal life. Before we were even born, Jesus voted for us to become joint heirs of the heavenly kingdom. He shed His blood so we can become ambassadors of His kingdom.

We left the voting precinct this morning without knowing if our chosen candidates will win. But believers are already guaranteed their position in heaven because of Jesus. We already have the victory in every way. Our heavenly reward is certain. No one can take away our salvation. The vote has already been cast. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

The eternal election happened at Calvary. There, Jesus cast His for us to be with the Triune God for eternity despite our sinfulness. And now, we are just waiting for our crowning ceremony. The Devil will have believers think and feel we are not qualified to live in heaven. But because Jesus prayed for us and died for us, the gates of hell will not prevail against us. Therefore, let us be bold in our service to God’s kingdom, and live Holy Spirit-driven lives to the glory of our King of kings and Lord of lords.

Questions for Personal Reflection

How does it make you feel to know that Jesus voted for you?

How should your life reflect your heavenly identity?

Prayer- Most Gracious Lord, I thank you for voting for me to be in heaven with you before I was born. I bless your name for the vote of confidence you gave me despite my sinfulness. Please help me to reflect your glory on earth and demonstrate my heavenly identity in the way I live my life. May it be evident for the world to see that I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ!

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