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Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ with Non-Christians

Writer's picture: Dieuner JosephDieuner Joseph

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mark 16:15 ESV


The Albanian Palace of Congresses, in the capital city of Tirana, was once a virtual shrine to atheistic communism. But in 1991 the featured attraction there was not communist ideology but the Jesus film, a Campus Crusade for Christ evangelistic project. An estimated 2,000 people turned out for the first Albanian showing of the film in mid-December, including the country's top government officials. More than 700 indicated decisions for Christ. "What once was a temple of communism was turned into a temple of the holy God," exclaimed the head of the government-controlled Albanian film industry. Christianity Today, March 9, 1992, p. 62.

It is becoming more difficult to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with non-Christians, even in America. The increasing resistance to the Christian faith is not new. In 2006, I applied for a visa to go to Brazil on a mission trip and I was told that evangelism was forbidden. I had to apply as a tourist.

Since the death and resurrection of Jesus, His followers have not had an easy time doing His great commission work. Yet, because of our charge to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world, we are compelled to share the gospel with everyone, whether they want to hear it or not. We cannot give up on the great commission because people do not want to hear about Jesus. Too much is at stake for Christians to forego the ministry of evangelism.

Every believer should have a spiritual burden for the unsaved. Believers should pray fervently for the salvation of the unsaved. We should revere Christ as Lord in our hearts, and always be prepared to answer everyone who asks us why we believe in Jesus.

Satan has increased his attacks against the Church of Jesus Christ. As more and more people are leaving the Church and turning away from the Christian faith, we need to pray for a spiritual revival in this country and throughout the world. We are the ambassadors of Jesus Christ and the people who are tasked to fight the war to increase the kingdom of God by winning souls for Christ.

One of the last things Jesus said to His disciples is to go and make disciples throughout the world. The Lord knows this was going to be a difficult mission. Thus, in Acts 1:8, He gave His disciples power and authority to do the great commission work. This same power has been given to the disciples of Jesus Christ today. Yes, we will face rejection and persecution, but we have to keep sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with non-believers.

In today’s world, sharing the gospel may be done in a variety of ways. It can be done through social media, mission work, or volunteerism. Disciples of Jesus can share the gospel by helping those in crisis, ministering to the needy and the poor, and taking a stand against injustice. One may even share the gospel by not using words. We can let our light so shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Our steadfastness to share the gospel with non-Christians should reflect our love for them. Thus, our approach should always be gentle, respectful, and non-judgmental. After all, the gospel message is centered on love and not condemnation. It is about affirmation and not guilt and shame. We need to make the gospel inviting by any means necessary so we can draw any and everyone to Jesus Christ.

Questions for Personal Reflection

How often do you pray for the unsaved and share the gospel with them?

Why is the great commission so critical for the Christian faith?

Prayer- Blessed Lord, please give me more opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with nonbelievers. I pray for all those who have yet to acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior. May your Holy Spirit continue to convict me to do the great commission work with a burden in my heart for the unsaved.

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