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Standing on The Promises of God

Writer's picture: Dieuner JosephDieuner Joseph

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

When a couple is getting married, they pledge their love to each other until death. Yet, the divorce rate is over 50 percent. That means half of the people who got married reneged on their promises. Among the other half are those who broke their marital vows by cheating on their spouse while remaining married.

Keeping one’s promises can be very challenging. No human being can be trusted to keep their promise at all times. Living in a sinful world with a sinful body makes it difficult for us to be trustworthy. Only God can be trusted to deliver on His promises at all times. For, God is persistently powerful and invincible. There is no weakness or sinfulness in Him. Behold, the Lord does not forget His promises. Whatever He says always comes true.

God’s promises never fail. They may be delayed, but they are always fulfilled. Therefore, we can stand on God’s promises no matter the circumstance. His promises can be found in scripture. They have withstood the test of time and are as valid today as they have been through many centuries.

In today’s text, the writer encourages believers to hold fast to the confession of their hope without wavering. The road to heaven is filled with broken dreams, frustrating experiences, setbacks, and stumbling blocks. At times we can feel as if God has forgotten about us. Yet, we must hold fast to the confession of our hope because our God is faithful in His promises.

In 2 Corinthians 1:20, Paul says, “For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” ascends to God for His glory. This is good news for every born-again believer. Despite the fallenness of this world, God through Christ has restored us to Himself and made provision for us to inherit His eternal glory. At times it feels as if this promise is long overdue. Indeed, most believers are eagerly awaiting the rapture. But we know that it will come because God promised it through Christ Jesus.

Let us not lose hope as we wait for God to fulfill His promises to us. True believers are to cultivate a spirit of expectation as they wait for God to fulfill His promises. Abraham and Sarah waited for decades for God to fulfill His promise to them. At one point, they became discouraged and tried to speed up the process of getting a child. Their intervention has resulted in a lot of family dysfunction that still exists today.

God does not need our help to fulfill His promises for us. Our intervention often spoils God’s plans. Yet because the Lord is faithful, He still comes through for us. This is why it is important to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our understanding. Only the Lord knows His plans for our lives. If the Lord promised us something He will deliver without fail. That can be difficult for us to digest at times; especially when our blessing is delayed, and we are made to watch other people get the desires of their hearts. Less we forget! God does not owe us anything. He does not need to impress us, and He does not need anything from us. His character is omnipotent and omniscient. The Lord has already fulfilled His promises to us in Christ. All we need to do is say “Amen” and trust that whatever He is doing in us and through us will work for our good.

Questions for Personal Reflection

How has God fulfilled His promises to you?

What does it mean to stand on the promises of God?

Prayer- Blessed Lord, I thank you for fulfilling your promises to me in Christ. Please help me to hold fast to the confession of my hope without wavering. When my soul yearns to hear from you, and I can’t see your plans for my life, help me to trust and wait on you with praise in my soul.

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