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Writer's picture:  Dieuner Joseph Dieuner Joseph

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

Many older Americans did not think they would go through the same turbulence of the 60s. They had hoped their children would not have to fight the same battles they fought, or experience the same contempt they endured. Nevertheless, here we are again with the young people of Generation Z, leading the struggle for justice.

The Christian journey is full of struggles. No Christian gets to experience a trouble-free life. We may not all have the same types of struggles, but we have the same enemy. Therefore, we need strength for our Christian journey.

The strength we need is generated by the prayer, the encouragement, and the support of the members of the body of Christ. I am convinced that Jesus established his Church so believers can persevere through trials and be strengthened through hardships. No one can persist through the Christian journey in isolation. The Lord created us to be in community with others to overcome the vicissitudes of life and finish the race that is set before us.

I like to think of the Body of Christ as a relay team. Every member of the body plays a vital role in ensuring that we finish the race. When each member of the body prioritizes the wellbeing of the others, the team is unbeatable. We draw strength from one another so we can remain steadfast under trial.

Members of the body of Christ cannot afford to be divided. Nor can we allow racism, sexism, or classism to poison our fellowship. We are a holy priesthood and a holy nation. When one suffers, we all hurt. We may be at a different station in our journey, but we are heading toward the same destination.

It is paramount for Christians to continue to build bridges in a spirit of unity to strengthen the bond of peace in the body. Just as different viruses or microbes often attack the human body, the body of Christ remains under attack by the virus of sin that is manifested in a variety of destructive ways. One of the best ways to strengthen the body of Christ is through spiritual cleansing. That cleansing is more effective when we stand in the gap before the Lord for one another.

Jim Brown of the Cleveland Browns has the most yards after contact in the history of the NFL. Jim Brown could not have had all those yards without the front line that was blocking for him. It is the front line that gave JB the strength to get to the end zone. Without his blockers, he would have gotten sacked too many times to become an accomplished runner.

You and I should be blocking for one another so we can get to the finish line. The strength of the Christian team lies with the commitment of each team member to block for one another. When we are intentional to block racism or sexism, poverty or discrimination, division, or marginalization, we are ensuring the success of Team Jesus.

The strength we need for our Christian journey is generated by the mobilization of God-fearing believers who are committed to the cause of Christ through the body of Christ. Every member of Team Jesus is a blessing to one another. We should never allow ourselves to become a stumbling block to any other member of Christ's body. Nor should we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the enemy to become a barrier in another believer’s journey.

Prayer- Blessed Lord, please help us to be more intentional in strengthening one another in the bond of peace.

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