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Strengthening Your Prayer Routine

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.


A fisherman was at sea with his godless companions when a storm came up and threatened to sink their ship. His friends begged him to pray; but he said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve done that or even entered a church.” At their insistence, however, he finally cried out, “O Lord, I haven’t asked anything of You in 15 years, and if You help us now and bring us safely to land, I promise I won’t bother You again for another 15!” Unfortunately, many people view prayer as an escape mechanism rather than a constant line of communication with God. Source: The Speaker’s Quote Book, Roy, Zuck

The writer of 1 Thessalonians 5:17 beseeches believers to pray without ceasing. I have been asked on numerous occasions if it is really possible for someone to pray without ceasing. My answer is an absolute yes. When it comes to our relationship with God and our spiritual journey, praying without ceasing is the only way to be.

Those who pray without ceasing remain in the presence of God and can grow deeper in the things of God. After all, prayer is our first line of defense against persecution and all attacks of the enemy. A strong prayer routine increases our spiritual collateral so we can navigate through the trials of life without losing our faith in God.

Prayer is spiritually nourishing for the soul. Without prayer, the soul becomes lethargic and suffers from malnutrition. By making prayer a vital part of our daily routine we exercise our spiritual muscles and provide spiritual nutrients for the soul. The soul that is well-fed spiritually will magnify the name of the Lord persistently.

In today’s text, we are told about the spiritual practices of the saints in the post-Pentecost church. These believers strengthened their prayer routine by meeting together daily to pray. It is not possible to connect with God intimately, to hear from Him discernibly, and to do His will obediently without a strong prayer routine. That is why the apostle James tells us, Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Every believer is made righteous through Christ Jesus. Persistent prayer enables us to remain in that state of righteousness because it forces us to stay in conversation with God. A prayer routine is not only about a spiritual connection with God it’s also about mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

The man in today’s illustration tried to use prayer as an escape mechanism. He called on God when he was most desperate. But as I mentioned in my first book on prayer “a 30-Day Guide to A Dynamic Prayer Life,” we should never pray out of desperation. A prayer of desperation lacks faith and does not include the Holy Spirit. Those with a consistent prayer routine do not pray out of desperation. They have both the vocabulary and the faith to trust God no matter how desperate things may seem.

Questions for Personal Reflection

How can you make prayer part of your daily routine?

What are the benefits of having a strong prayer routine?

Prayer- Most Holy God, please help me as I continue to strengthen my prayer routine. Remove laziness from my heart so can I persist in prayer for myself and others. May I never become so disconnected from you that I don’t get bothered when I do not pray!

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