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The God who Delivers

Writer's picture: Dieuner JosephDieuner Joseph

The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all. Psalm 34:19

When I think of the many children at St Jude hospital and Ronald McDonald House, I can understand why many of these parents struggle to comprehend why God allows a little child to struggle with a terminal disease. I have met many faithful Christians in Africa and the Caribbean islands who live with food insecurity perpetually. Brothers and sisters who live under the constant threat of violence in communities that are hijacked by gangs cannot seem to find an answer for their unfortunate circumstances.

The questions before us today are: does God always deliver the righteous? What does that deliverance look like? What about the unrighteous?

A righteous person acts in accord with the divine or moral law. This is a very difficult standard to match. Christians are made righteous through Christ Jesus. By His death, He made all who would believe in Him righteous. Though we continue to struggle with our sinful nature, we are yet made righteous by living a Christ-centered life.

It is not easy to sustain a righteous lifestyle in this world of darkness. Sin is lurking at every corner. The enemy is very crafty as he continues to lure us into sinful situations. Unfortunately, many believers fail to claim authority over the enemy and live with power by resisting his temptations.

The righteous do have many troubles. Every activity thought and decision is susceptible to spiritual attack. We are attacked in our homes, at church, at work, and everywhere else. From the moment we wake up in the morning we are troubled with the weight of our confession of faith. The enemy tests us without end to see if we are sincere about giving our lives to Jesus Christ.

Does God always deliver the righteous? Yes, indeed. That deliverance may not be as we expect. In some cases, this deliverance is done through physical death. In other cases, it may the loss of a coveted position or title. At times, God may sit us down with an illness so he can get our attention and delivers us from going in the wrong direction or making the wrong decision.

We may not always like or appreciate the deliverance of the Lord, but it is guaranteed. God’s deliverance may also require our contributions. God wants us to put some skin in the game. The children of Israel suffered unnecessary setbacks because they failed to contribute to the success of their journey to the Promised Land by obeying God’s instructions. So, for example, if you need God to deliver you from a toxic relationship, you may have some decisions to make. If you want God to deliver you from unemployment, you will have to apply and interview for different positions.

What about the unrighteous? God does deliver the unrighteous as well if that person petitions God with a sincere heart. Christians must not assume they are the only ones who have access to God’s throne of grace and mercy. The challenge for the unrighteous is that they’ve assumed a fake autonomy from God and are so intricately immersed in the practices of this sinful world, that they do not think God would listen to them. God listens to the cries of all His creation. His love can cover a multitude of sins. But those sins must be confessed and repented for. Then there will be deliverance.

If you are waiting for God to deliver you from something or someone, do not be discouraged. God is up to the challenge. He will not let you down, nor has He forgotten about you. As you are waiting for that deliverance look for ways to intensify your prayer life, grow closer to God, do His kingdom work more consistently and delight in the fullness of His love for you no matter what you are going through.

Questions for Personal Reflection

What trouble do you need God to deliver you from?

How often do you turn to God when you need deliverance?

Prayer- Blessed Lord, I thank you for delivering me from dangers seen and unseen. You have been my shelter and my deliverer from the moment I entered this world. Please open my spiritual eyes so I can see the many ways you are delivering me in this season of my life. May I continue to be thankful for everything you are doing and trust you always!

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