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Writer's picture:  Dieuner Joseph Dieuner Joseph

Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!” 2 Samuel 12:7

David concocted an elaborate plan to cover up his adultery with Bathsheba. He enlisted Joab to conspire in the murder of Uriah. David went to great lengths to keep his sin hidden. One can assume that people in his court and throughout the kingdom knew what happened. However, no one dared to do anything about it, so they do not end up like Uriah.

When God sent Nathan to confront David and exposed his secret sin, he asked the prophet to take a significant risk. David could have killed Nathan. Presumably, other prophets knew about David’s wicked act, but they did not dare to confront the king. Going to David to confront him about his evil actions was like a sheep going to the slaughter. Nevertheless, Nathan did not hesitate to expose David and confront the king about his sin.

Most people are opposed to injustice and racism. A majority of Americans do not think it is right for some to be destitute while a selected few have more money they will ever be able to spend in their lifetimes. People generally know that police brutality against black and brown people is real and unjustifiable. They know that racial profiling is real. However, many people cannot muster the courage to do something about those social injustices.

Confronting social injustice can be detrimental, indeed. Nevertheless, no one should remain silent while wickedness prospers. Indifference to injustice makes one complicit in the proliferation of evil throughout society. Those who do nothing about injustice and racism are as guilty as those who murder black and brown people because of their race.

I thank God for churches and individuals that are working diligently to help those that are food insecure. The brothers and sisters that are working with such noble institutions as Habitat for humanity are doing valiant work and taking a strong stand for affordable housing for the working poor. These brothers and sisters are doing something about inequality in this country.

The recent social movement against systemic racism in America is forcing many institutions to re-examine their policies and practices and do something to confront unconscious biases in their organizations. I hope that these steps are not just part of a PR stunt so that many of these organizations will not be sued. People need to see real actions. A majority of people want to see the poor people’s campaign—for example—get not only main street acceptance, but also an increase in the minimum wage, and other steps to help assuage the economic and social distress of the poor.

Many African Americans have retreated to the suburbs, so they and their families do not have to deal with racism or police brutality, so they assume. Whereas many of them are quick to blame white America for racism, they are not engaged in the struggle for justice and equality. The point here is that it is not enough to get upset when neighbors ask if we live in their fancy subdivision, or when we are passed over for promotions because of our race. We have to do something meaningful in the fight against systemic racism.

Another way of putting it is to say that talk is cheap, but the real action is transformational. The real actions needed to redress centuries of segregation and economic and judicial injustice are going to be inconvenient and painful for those who want to see real change. Yet, those who want to be on the side of justice cannot back down. Every minute of indifference can lead to unnecessary lives lost. Therefore, let us be bold and courageous in taking meaningful actions for equitable changes in this country.

Prayer- Blessed Lord, please give us the courage to take meaningful actions on behalf of the poor and the oppressed.

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